Design scénique, mise en scène de l'espace, histoires en coulisses

Scenic design, staging space, stories behind the scenes

Le laboratoire, a dreams producer

The future may be happening… now! It is the proposal of any event host by the unusual space Le Laboratoire in Paris.

DR, courtesy Le laboratoire.

DR, courtesy Le laboratoire.

It mixes together scientists to artists, and here also architecture, the agency R&Sie(n) runned by François Roche, to give an orientation of what could be the concept of programmation for individual inhabitats if only we could get their intimate language information. In a few words, the quest is to be able to read the inside affects, what body tells, called from Hyppocrate Les Humeurs. For the visitor, an enjoyable experiment is to be taken already, lasting to May 16th.

DR, courtesy Le laboratoire.

DR, courtesy Le laboratoire.

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