Design scénique, mise en scène de l'espace, histoires en coulisses

Scenic design, staging space, stories behind the scenes

Lines to follow

A retrospective extract from the great Portuguese artistic foundation Calouste Gulbekian made possible to watch the variations of the line from drawings to tridimensional objects: Le fil conducteur (The connecting thread).

Dessin habité, 1977, d'Helena Almeida. Photo DR.

Dessin habité, 1977, d’Helena Almeida. Photo DR.

May in Paris was then the opportunity to admire pieces exploring the expression and materialization of the wire. Evoking words, textile, path, geometry, architecture, the experiment of languages from a selection of artists. We show you three pieces here, thanks to the curator of the exhibition Leonor Nazaré.

Estensão, 2005, de Teresa Henriques. Photo DR.

Estensão, 2005, de Teresa Henriques. Photo DR.

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