Design scénique, mise en scène de l'espace, histoires en coulisses

Scenic design, staging space, stories behind the scenes

Design illusions

The PAD (Pavillon of the Arts and Design) took place in March in Paris and was the opportunity to discover objects in limited edition, notable for their double appearance, according to the point of view. For example, a piece of wall hiding a dresser, a solid chair that seems to have been extensed as a made of a soft elastic. A fun journey in the island of illusions.

Commode Mur. Photos DR: Courtesy Mattia Bonetti / Cat Berro.

Commode Mur. Photos DR: Courtesy Mattia Bonetti / Cat Berro.

Cabinet Stripes. Photos DR: Courtesy Normal Studio / Ymer & Malta.

Cabinet Stripes. Photos DR: Courtesy Normal Studio / Ymer & Malta.


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