Design scénique, mise en scène de l'espace, histoires en coulisses

Scenic design, staging space, stories behind the scenes

Office projection

Photos: DRTertiam. Realisateur: Mathieu Pradat.

Photos: DRTertiam. Realisateur: Mathieu Pradat.

A French 15 minutes film is proposed to help people such as professionals in companies who have to deal with space and organization, and students in architecture for example, understand relations between space and work. Si le Bureau m’était conté meaning If the Office was could be told, appears like an amused point of view where workers seem basic puppets and Human resources boss has to be awake by the Architect.

Mathieu Pradat

Photos: DRTertiam. Realisateur: Mathieu Pradat.

Ce message est également disponible en : French